‘My heart pounded’: A sexy slice of Lap Dance Lust
Enjoy this exclusive excerpt of “Standing Room Only”
For the first time since George’s death, I felt a pure spark of longing, one that pierced through my entire body, pooling deep within me and making my sex physically ache in a way it hadn’t since longer than I could remember. Suddenly I was ravenous for what Eric was offering, for the chance to shed being half of GeorgeandSally and discover who I was separate from the pair I’d imagined growing old together.
“Okay. I’ll be there on Saturday.”
“We could go together. If you want,” he said in a rush. I looked at Eric with his thick black stubble, long, floppy hair, deep tan, and kind eyes. “No pressure. Just so you have someone familiar. But if you want to be totally free and unencumbered, that’s fine too.”
“Can I think about that offer?”
“Sure. Call me tomorrow,” he said, and took my phone and put his number in. I hadn’t had any interest in connecting with support group members outside of our meetings. At first it was too raw, and by the time I got somewhat of a handle on my grief, I was trying to keep a lid on it, to not let it overtake all hours of the day. I know that’s not really how emotions work, but that’s how I had to do it, to set it aside so I could work and see friends and enjoy myself without feeling like I was betraying his memory with every laugh or smile. I wanted to compartmentalize the group, not have my phone blow up with people just as needy and lost as I was.
We said goodbye, and I drove home in a daze. I looked up the site for SRO again, zooming in on some of the people, picturing myself among them, slithering along as sleek, sweaty bodies pressed themselves against me, as I got lost in the crush. I put my phone down, closed my eyes, and took out my Magic Wand massager.
Meet Regene Polk Ross, the Bay Area healthcare events leader grieving the loss of her son
I’m a Leo, middle sister, lover of Prince, Earth Wind & Fire, and foreign movies. Born in Detroit, raised in Houston, visiting the Bay Area for the last 27 years. I’ve worked in health care communications, events, and marketing for 20+ years.
I’m in the midst of
Grieving. I lost my son in 2023 to sudden cardiac arrest and my mother to Alzheimer’s in 2021. I want to normalize grieving and how employers respond to grieving employees. Hence, I am redefining my purpose and passions.
The best thing I’ve done for myself in midlife
A trip to Bali and seeking what I need to live healthier and more radiantly (excited that Joanna Strober is also a Midster, I’ve enjoyed using Midi).
My Grown-Ass Lady heroes
Diana Ross, Viola Davis, Maria Shriver, and my grandmother, Josephine Polk
What’s next
I’m curating a wellness brand to normalize how women take great care of themselves and conquer burnout via excursions, retreats, and products.
We’re in the midst of building the Founding Midster program into a membership program — one step at a time. To help build The Midst community and be featured in Meet a Midster, sign up to become a Founding Midster here on The Midst Substack. We’ll email you with more details. If you have questions, email feedback@the-midst.com.
— Amy Cuevas Schroeder