Ask questions about perimenopause, career development, beauty, and more
By Amy Cuevas Schroeder
This Saturday, October 19, is our live + virtual event in Chicago, and our panelists invite you to submit questions ahead of time. Regardless of whether you actually attend F Middle Age live or virtually, we welcome your questions.
Panel 1: Here’s What You Really Must Know About Peri/Menopause
Whether you know very little about perimenopause or are in the thick of it, all questions are on the table.
Moderated by me (@themidstlady)
Panel 2: The Time Is Now. We’re In Our Prime
This panel is about finding joy on the daily — and making changes to get there. We’ll talk about career stuff, entrepreneurship, personal development, and finding inspiration.
Moderated by Rachel Rhee (@rachelrhee)
Panel 3: Grace vs. Botox: Beauty and Wellness at 35+
Moderated by Lauria Locsmondy (Linkedin)
Email your question to and we’ll share them with the speakers!
P.S. We’ve got just a few tickets left!
Enter code TheMidstSubstack here on Eventbrite to save $50 on either a single ticket or the Bestie Bundle (two tickets at a discounted rate).
What do women want in the midst of their lives?
By Eve Chen
Ever wonder what other women in the midst are experiencing? Like, who else is feeling anxious out of nowhere or waking up in a sweat puddle thanks to perimenopause? How are other women facing this transitory time of life?
Here at The Midst, we want to empower women to live on their terms, and we want to know what our readers are facing. We conducted our first reader survey in 2021, and now it’s time for an update. Our second reader survey ran between June and August 2024.
Who are The Midst readers?
97% identify as women
88% are in their 40s and 50s
94% work in some capacity
54% live in cities; 34% in the suburbs
51% are experiencing perimenopause
When we asked readers what reasons might prevent them from consulting a medical professional about peri/menopausal symptoms, 43% of our readers checked at least one box regarding difficulty with time, money and/or distance to the doctor. On the same question, multiple Midst readers wrote additional comments to express their worry about being dismissed.
Meet Vanessa Ting, a Fractional CMO building a community of FemHealth founders and investors
Los Angeles • @voicesofmenopause
I’m in the midst of:
Writing my third act. Channeling my professional work and passion projects towards initiatives that positively impact women’s (and all those with uteruses) health and figuring out how I want to shape my midlife journey.
Building a community of FemHealth startup founders, investors and enthusiasts in Southern California to accelerate the investment in, and consequently growth of, startups advancing women’s health care. It’s been hard to build, but I keep going for the few who joined early and believe in the mission.
Hitting the books again! Purely for my own edification, I’m taking a menopause coaching certification course to learn what I’m in for and how to prioritize my health and well-being. Because no one talks about it! I want to be that person who can answer questions about menopause with evidence-based information and champion others to be just as informed.
The best thing about my current age, 47:
I have less F*s to give and say “no” a lot more. It’s liberating to enforce your boundaries and stick to your convictions. While you’d think saying “no” reflects a scarcity mentality, it actually creates abundance.
The best thing I’ve done for myself in this stage of life:
Commit to daily movement. I didn’t practice strength-building or stretching regularly before my 40s. I never realized how powerful and in awe of my body I was until I began weightlifting. Plus, it’s an enjoyable way to support our muscles, bones, and joints as we age. I highly recommend it!
What’s next?
One of my passion projects is understanding women’s attitudes, feelings, and education needs surrounding perimenopause and menopause. To collect these insights, I am surveying women in midlife nationwide and holding focus groups throughout Q4 2024 and Q1 2025. Anyone interested in being notified when I launch the survey and focus groups can sign up using this form.
Hey Grown-Ass Lady! We’d love to introduce you to The Midst community. When you upgrade your subscription to “Founding MidstHer” here on The Midst Substack, Tiffany (our Head of Community) will reach out to you with questions to answer. Need help? Email