Owning rhymes with maintenance - And lost hours waiting for the fking plumber who never comes. I owned many houses. Then I got older and realized a taxi or ambulance would take at least 45 minutes to get me to a hospital- I moved to a rental at age 80. Best move ever. Landlord does maintenance while I read a book

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Those waiting windows for maintenance people are the worst. Why is it four hours and they always arrive in the last five minutes??

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Great headline! I too am a renter in a city with no foreseeable opportunity to own. My family and I love our apartment and our building, kids from our daughter’s school live next door and our landlord takes care of all our maintenance. A coworker with family wealth once commented that homeowners should have first dibs over renters in lotteries for schools with waitlists (for my daughter’s school, living in the school’s catchment doesn’t guarantee a spot). I’ve heard criticisms like this for years, and want people with generational wealth to understand that some people may never have the means to own, but we are still involved and rooted in our communities. And we do pay property taxes, our landlord factors that into our rent. Classism is alive and well.

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Wow. That's wild. Of course renters are covering the property taxes! It sounds like your apartment building is a lovely spot for your family. 💜

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My story is very similar to this and having owned three houses before my divorce, I would not want to go back to the upkeep, taxes, and loneliness of the burbs. It was much better to be able to raise my kids in a city near other kids with museums, parks, bookstores, coffee and yoga all in walking distance.

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The upkeep. Whew. It's a lot, to say the least.

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I have PCOS and have had extreme hair loss. I’m currently using the Revian red cap and I’m starting to regrow hair. At least there’s no more shiny spots in my scalp.

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Thanks for sharing! That's amazing to hear.

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I’m tracking it as well. It may never be what it was, but at least it’s better than the alternative.

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I own, and I’m 51, but only for nine years. My late husband was an economist and for a long time a federal bank examiner and refused to buy. We did it because of what the data said and all of his colleagues always told us that we were smart for not buying.

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Great suggestions for perimenopausal nutrition and supplements! More of this please :)

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Thanks! And you got it. :)

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Oct 6Liked by The Midst

All of this! As a 46 year old single woman, I love renting, though my story is a bit different.

I moved into my beautiful little under market value, rent controlled apartment in a great LA neighborhood 18 years ago and will likely never move. I’m paying a fraction of what I would pay for something anywhere else in the country and my rent is DEFINITELY less than a mortgage anywhere would be.

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That's amazing. We love to hear it!

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