LOVE. THIS. Also love, as always, your writing. You are SO FUNNY!

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Thank you so much!

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What would we do without Dixie?

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We would muddle through. :)

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"By our age, most of us have a pretty comfortable life" - are you kidding me?? Women have been outside a "comfort zone" for decades, centuries, millennia. I'm a kindred 50+ fitness nut (and attorney and negotiation expert) and as a special needs mother and, well, a WOMAN in our society, I have not been comfortable. I've been bullied, I've been marginalized, I've been exhausted by always having to over perform to try to fit in. Our entire society is structured to make another demographic comfortable, and I have personally represented many indigent, homeless, or otherwise marginalized women. So, this statement that "most of us" have been "comfortable" indicates privilege. I applaud everything else about this profile.

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Sounds like you’d be happier if Ilene had said “many of us” or “some of us” instead of using the word “most”. Sometimes I read or hear things that have aspects that don’t include me or my experience. I’ve had lots of challenges that don’t coincide with the “default” experience. But I’ve tried to not let any resentment I might feel make me “throw out the baby with the bath water”.

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Oh I'm not unhappy or resentful, Dixie (in fact, that line made me laugh out loud). What I am is direct. And this isn't about me. A less presumptuous framing is the one you just graciously demonstrated yourself ("I've had lots of challenges . . . I've tried not to . . .") - that is, spoken of her own experience without generalizing it to "most of us." In my observation, the whole "get out of your comfort zone" social media buzz phrase comes from those in privileged positions who need to actually look for discomfort. As for throwing out the baby, not doing that either. Please read the last line of my original comment. It's an inspiring profile. I admire Ilene and I'm grateful to you for the interview.

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I am a bit confused?

Actually in my 70s

Never STOPPED moving in all kinds of ways,

Sticking with one

Method is not a great idea! You have to do a whole lot more! + is Ilene a certified coach/ trainer, +?yes re

" comfortable " life!!!! Lucky them!

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